SOIL TECH CONSULTANT PVT. LTD. is a professional engineering service company registered in Company Registrar Office, Ministry of Industries, Nepal on 2070/08/30 to render consultancy services for various Development activities in the field of Water Resources Development, Hydropower, Railways, Tunnels, Water Supply and Irrigation Engineering, Road & Bridges, Management, Socio-Economic studies, Geotechnical Investigation and Material Testing, Human Resources Development and Training, Development Research including Environmental Studies. This Company has well experienced full time staff with National as will as International reputation. The company personnel have extensive experience personnel in the area of Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering survey and Design of Hydropower, Road & Bridges and Irrigation schemes, Geotechnical investigatio and Material Testing.
Soil Tech Consultant is the safe, reliable and cost effective company. We offer best consulting Services.
Soil Tech Consultant is the safe, reliable and cost effective consulting company. We offer best Services.
On going Projects
Completed projects